Toffee and Candy

Pet details

Name Toffee and Candy Location Aberdeenshire
Age 1 year Sex Female
Breed Guinea Pig Colour Brown

These pair of piggie are looking for a specific home to call their own.

Unfortunately both piggies are extremely nervous therefore would be looking for an adult only home, preferably someone who has experience with guinea pigs. Toffee is also blind, which understandably adds to her nervousness. This means we'd be looking for a quiet indoor home with a one store enclosure, a C&C cage would be a good recommendation for this.

The pair are still young enough to adapt to their new life and hopefully become less anxious around their new owners. If you think you would be a good match for this pair please pop in an application.

Help us to rehome this pet:

Toffee and Candy

Toffee and Candy

1 year
Guinea Pig