Trusts and Foundations
Scotland is a nation of animal lovers, we care deeply about our animals, wildlife and the environment they live in.
Scotland is a nation of animal lovers who care deeply about our animals, wildlife and the environment they live in. The Scottish SPCA values the invaluable support from grant-making trusts and foundations as we strive to make animal welfare in Scotland a national priority.
From our pioneering education work and research to the day job of rescuing and rehabilitating animals and wildlife, the widespread nature of our work means many trusts and foundations can find the right project for them with the Scottish SPCA.
Our trailblazing Animal Guardians programme would not have been possible without the support of a charitable trust, and it is now helping dozens of children across Scotland. Other grants have funded equipment for our special investigations unit and allowed us to make vital improvements to our animal rescue and rehoming centres. Trust funding helped pay for a vital cat isolation unit at one of our centres, meaning we can protect healthy cats from those who contract the highly contagious cat flu or other diseases until they’ve recovered.
We would welcome the chance to show any representative from a trust or foundation around a centre or to take them through the research we’re involved in that’s setting the agenda in the animal welfare world. We’d also love to let them spend the day with one of our education officers or out on the road on the frontline with an inspector or animal rescue officer.
We have a dedicated Trusts Officer who works closely with funders to match the best project to support and then provide you with updates on how we’re using your generous funding and make sure you fully understand just how big a difference you’ve made to both the people and animals we help.
For any trusts or foundations who wish to donate, please contact trusts@scottishspca.org for the up-to-date bank details for donations or for any further information you require.