
Pet details

Name Lyca Location Lanarkshire
Age 7 years Sex Female
Breed German Shepherd (cross) Colour Black, Tan
Living with other dogs I'm not able to live with other dogs Living with cats I'm not able to live with cats
Living with children I'd prefer to live with adults

Lyca is a beautiful girl who is looking for an experienced owner who can help make her the model doggy citizen we all know she can be.

She is a sweetheart around humans and loves snuggling up and getting lots of love and hugs. She does however not like other dogs very much and this is something her new owner will need to work on with her.

She has had some guidance whilst in our care on how to behave around other dogs and has started wearing a muzzle no bother to keep her and the other dogs around her safe.

Due to her training requirements she will be looking for an experienced owner who can confidently work with her on this. She will be looking for an adult-only home.

Lyca has a very high prey drive so will not be suitable to live with cats or other small animals. She will need to be the only animal in the house.

Help us to rehome this pet:



7 years
German Shepherd (cross)