
Pet details

Name Roux Location Lanarkshire
Age 3 years Sex Male
Breed Royal Python Colour n/a

Roux is a beautiful python who would make a striking addition to an experienced home. Although very friendly Roux can be skittish and would require an experienced and confident hand to help get him used to regular handling. Roux has had some trouble with shedding previously and may need assistance in the future in the form of humid hides, baths, shedding aids or veterinary assistance. Since being in our care he is eating and pooing well and is getting better with his handling each session. He still has some growing to do so his new home will need to be aware of his growing size.

Roux will require a minimum of 4x2x2ft enclosure with plenty of decor and enrichment to explore and hide as they please. Royal Pythons require a heat source and we recommend also using a UVB source. We recommend temperatures be as follows: Basking surface temperature: 35-40°C, Warm hide temperature: 30-32°C, Cool hide temperature: 22-27°C, Night-time temperature: 22-26°C. For UVB we recommend using either a 22” T5 HO Zoo Med Reptisun 5.0 or Arcadia D3+ Forest 6%. Royals require a humidity of around 45-75% which can be achieved by misting the enclosure as required.

Royals require a substrate to keep them happy and healthy, there are various soil like options available or alternatively you can use a DIY mix of 40% organic, additive-free topsoil + 40% Zoo Med Reptisoil + 20% play sand.

Roux is a lovely young snake that has a lot of potential. Could you be his forever home?

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3 years
Royal Python