Tim, Milo And Barney

Pet details

Name Tim, Milo And Barney Location Lanarkshire
Age 2 years Sex Male
Breed Domestic Short Hair Colour Ginger
Indoor / Outdoor I'd prefer to live indoors only Living with other cats I'm not able to live with other cats
Living with dogs I'm not able to live with dogs Living with children I may be able to live with older children

Tim, Milo & Barney are looking to be rehomed as a bonded trio.

All 3 boys are super adorable. All having their own personalities.

Tim (Ginger) - Loves getting cuddles, he will come running out to greet you as soon as you go in to see him.

Milo (Maine Coon) - Also loves attention he will sit on your lap all day if he could.

Barney (Black) - Very sweet, can be a little a nervous at first, but loves a good scratch behind his ears.

All 3 boys love to play with their toys, or just chasing each other. You will also find them snuggled up in the one bed, Squeezed in just to get a cuddle with each other. They all love their scratching posts and exploring new boxes or toys.

These boys would be suited to a family with no other pets. They could go to a house with older children 12+

Help us to rehome this pet:

Tim, Milo And Barney

Tim, Milo And Barney

2 years
Domestic Short Hair