
Pet details

Name Vinnie Location Lanarkshire
Age 9 months Sex Male
Breed Crossbreed (cross) Colour Tan, White
Living with other dogs I'm not able to live with other dogs Living with cats I'm not able to live with cats
Living with children I'd prefer to live with adults

Vinnie is a baby in a big body with more growing left to do. He is a very intelligent dog and picks up on new tricks and commands very quickly in exchange for a tasty treat as his reward.

Vinnie can be headstrong when he wants to be and would benefit from an owner who has experience in consistent training with larger breed dogs and getting this boy in to a routine to encourage him with good manners.

Vinnie enjoys his playtime and fetching toys in our sensory garden but also loves his quiet down time laying in the office with his toy or lick mat then having his cuddle and nap time with his favourite staff members around him.

We feel Vinnie would benefit from an adult-only home with no other animals for now so that he can have the one on one attention he craves and thrives from which would only benefit him in becoming the great dog we know he has the potential of being in his forever home.

Help us to rehome this pet:



9 months
Crossbreed (cross)