Veterinary Casework Pack launched

We have launched a Veterinary Casework Pack to give Scottish vets clear guidance when they are involved with Scottish SPCA cases regarding animal welfare offences.

We are currently the only animal charity in the UK recognised as a reporting agency to the Crown Office, with inspectors enforcing the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006. As such, the Veterinary Casework Pack is specific to Scotland, as the legislation and processes elsewhere in the UK vary.

Scottish SPCA veterinary forensic case officer, Asta Parker, said, “We’re delighted to now be able to offer this resource to support vets when they are part of a Scottish SPCA case.

“The pack brings together information for vets in practice who become involved with our general animal welfare cases, from the first point of contact with one of our inspectors requesting a veterinary examination of an animal, through to outlining the legislation relevant to these cases and common concerns vets may have when getting involved.

“It also gives guidance on how to approach these cases from a welfare legislative and forensic perspective and how to write thorough and effective witness statements when a case moves forward to potential prosecution. Fictional case examples are used to demonstrate various parts of the process.

“The pack is made up of 10 documents grouped in four sections to enable vets to easily find the specific help they need.

“I am also on hand to assist vets with any Scottish SPCA prosecution cases on a one- to-one basis.”

Veterinary Casework Packs can be obtained by contacting Asta directly at