Limited edition toys to bring education programme to life

We have launched a run of limited edition toys to encourage primary school aged pupils how to be Animal WISE.

Characters, Inspector Martha and her dog, Gibson, already guide primary school pupils through online learning and e-lessons and feature in face-to-face workshops. The animated pair were created to help teach young people about the links between human and animal emotions and the welfare needs of animals.

Martha and Gibson are part of the Society’s innovative education programme, Animal WISE, which is designed to teach people of all ages about animal welfare in a fun and accessible way.

The characters are named after Martha Gibson who was the pioneer responsible for driving forward the ethos of the Scottish SPCA back in 1839. Martha’s conviction that animals deserved better was the driving force behind Scotland’s animal welfare charity and this vision has endured to this day.

Gilly Mendes Ferreira, head of education, policy and research, said: “We are delighted to honour Martha Gibson’s incredible legacy by naming our education characters after her. Martha saw a future where animals were treated fairly and education is at the heart of this.

“We are dedicated to creating a future where animal harm, whether intentional or not, is eradicated and our Animal WISE programme is central to this.

“We are constantly researching and developing our education offering to ensure we are engaging with young people in accessible and innovative ways. By introducing Martha and Gibson, we are providing primary school aged pupils familiar and trusted characters to relate to and learn from.

“Our Martha and Gibson characters star in interactive games, give clues on different exercises and are part of the fun activities set out by our education team.

“Our limited edition run of Martha and Gibson toys come with exclusive online access to activities to teach young people about the importance of animal welfare through fun and engaging exercises.

“Young people will also learn about what it’s like to be an inspector and work for the Scottish SPCA so we hope to be able to nurture young animal lovers to consider a career in animal welfare in the future.”

Inspector Martha and Gibson are being sold together at a price of £26. There will be an additional fee for postage and packaging. They are available to purchase here.

If you’re a teacher check out our free Animal WISE programmes which includes e-learning as well as outdoor workshops. To find out more and to book visit here.