Generous donation from Chatelherault Dachshunds Group

We were delighted to accept a generous donation of £1050.21 from Chatelherault Dachshunds Group after they raised funds for us with an event day in Motherwell on Sunday 6 August.

Scottish SPCA regional fundraising manager, Samantha Reilly, met with members of the group at our Lanarkshire Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre to accept a cheque and thank them for their support.

Samantha said, “It was a pleasure to meet Lisa, the group members and, of course, their furry friends!

“Support like this in the local community means so much to us as, not only did they raise valuable income, they raised lots of awareness of our work.

“Thank you to everyone who donated, these funds will make such a difference to the animals in our care.”

Lisa Scott from Chatelherault Dachshunds Group said: “As dog owners and animal lovers we understand that the Scottish SPCA goes above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to the protection and welfare of Scotland’s domestic pets and wildlife.

“They represent all that is good, ethical and moral in a fundraising organisation and we are proud to have been able to raise some much needed funds.

“Many of our group members have rescued dogs and wanted to say thank you for all that they do. We also had lots of fun raising the money which was an added bonus!

“On behalf of all of the members of the Chatelherault Dachshunds, we look forward to seeing the continued progress the Scottish SPCA will make in the future and we were proud to play our part.”