Our Work in 2024

Find out how your support and donations made a difference to our work in 2024.

Woman and cat.

Pets and owners needed us more than ever

Pets and owners needed us more than ever as demand for our services keeps rising.

In 2024 we saw a 24% increase in calls from owners looking to give up their pets. 

This is why we are committed to delivering the right results in 2025 for animals, people, our members and supporters.

With your continued support we can help make Scotland the best place for an animal to call home.

Woman and two puppies

You helped keep pets and owners together

Your support helped keep 16,697 owners and pets together in 2024.

Your donations made it possible for our teams to deliver a ‘community-first’ approach in 2024, with services delivered by our Inspectors and  initiatives like Pet Aid, Pet Aid Veterinary Services and giving advice and support to those who need it.

Your donations ensured 489 animals were cared for using our Pet Aid Veterinary Services.

Woman and rabbit.

Nurturing empathy and compassion

102 young people became Animal Guardians – passing the programme with flying colours. 

The programme nurtures empathy and compassionate behaviour towards all animals, and people too.

You have given the gift of providing invaluable advice and education about animal welfare.

SSPCA staff and swan.

Animals got the help they needed

Our Animal Helpline team answered 269, 652 thanks to your donations.

Without you, we wouldn’t be able to respond to calls about animals who need to be rescued. 

Our Animal Helpline is a vital service for Scotland’s animals.

Did you know your support rescued 37,214 animals in 2024? All because of your generosity.

Dog on lead.

More animals found their loving homes

We matched 13% more animals with their forever homes and a third more animals are being loved by foster parents in a home environment.

Behind the scenes, we revitalised our Adoption & Fostering process, launched at the start of 2025 to help more animals find their forever homes faster.

2,562 animals were released into their natural habitat because of your dedication to protecting Scotland’s wildlife.

Hedgehog getting treated.

You helped us enhance wildlife rehabilitation

Because of your support we enhanced our wildlife rehabilitation programme.

Wildlife spends less time in our care and can be released into their natural habitat to thrive, faster.

In 2024 your support meant we could be a voice for Scotland’s animals.

Fox in the wild.

We continued to be a voice for animals

After 30 years of campaigning, a ban on glue traps and snares was finally introduced. 

We saw the long-awaited ban of exporting live animals. 

And we will continue to campaign for ‘No Bad Breeds’, with your support.

Scotland’s animals are the innocent victims of rising costs – an eyewatering 44% increase in just the 3 years. They need our protection and generosity more than ever.

Seal getting released in the wild.

Your donations and support matters

Every single penny in 2025 matters to achieve the £25,000,000 it takes to Rescue, Protect and Lead Scotland’s animals.

With your support, we can continue to deliver the right services in the right places for the ultimate beneficiaries – Scotland’s beautiful and vulnerable animals who need every one of us to be there for them right when they need us.

Financial Report

To view our latest accounts, please click here.