
Aberdeenshire Scottish SPCA Rehoming Centre
AB31 5AJ

About the Aberdeenshire Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre

The Aberdeenshire Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre opened in August 2011 and is one the most modern. The Aberdeenshire Centre cares for all domestic animals at any time.

The Aberdeenshire ARRC has:

  • Over 20 kennels, including special units for mothers and pups or dogs with contagious diseases
  • Six stables and state-of-the-art equine vet room with acres of fields for horses to roam
  • Small animals room
  • Accommodation for ferrets
  • Space to care for exotic animals
  • Cockerel pens

How you can help

Donate food or items

The Aberdeenshire team always welcomes donations of food, treats, or other items to help care for animals in our care. You can view what our Aberdeenshire centre most urgently needs on the centre’s Amazon Wishlist.

Volunteer at Aberdeenshire ARRC

If you’re interested in volunteering at the centre, view our latest vacancies.