Buying a puppy

How to buy a puppy safely and responsibly.

The Scottish SPCA work as part of a Pet Trade Taskforce, a multi-agency enforcement group, dedicated to tackling the illegal and illicit puppy trade.

As a group we understand that sometimes families decide to add a puppy to their family rather than a rescue dog.

We have compiled a comprehensive checklist of what to look for when considering purchasing a puppy and how to report suspicious or abnormal circumstances.


1. Do not buy online or from someone where it is impossible to verify where the dog is actually coming from.

2. Anyone considering buying a puppy should research the potential breeder carefully, as unauthorised breeding can have a significant impact on the welfare of dogs.

3. Arrange to visit and meet the breeder with the pups and their mother in the breeder’s home.

4. Pay attention to the environment they are in – it should be clean, warm, dry, quiet, safe and suitable. It should be a large enough area, with easy access to fresh water.

5. Make sure the house feels like a home and not a place rented for the purpose of showing you and other potential buyers around.

6. Make sure the puppies look active, healthy and have no signs of illness. They should have clear eyes with no redness or discharge, a clear nose with no discharge, clear breathing with no wheezing or coughing, clean ears with no redness and obvious wax or discharge, healthy-looking skin with no scabs or sores, shiny and soft fur with no evidence of fleas, sturdy legs with no signs of limping, no visible ribs, and a clean and dry bottom.

7. Healthy puppies are active, curious and interested in the world around them, so should show an interest in you and want to give you a sniff. They should also be comfortable being handled, and the breeder should encourage you to handle the dogs to help you choose which puppy is for you.

8. Make sure the mother is happy and healthy and is interacting with the puppies. Both mum and pups should be active, alert and interacting with each other, and the mum should seem comfortable with you and other visitors.

9. Check evidence of their vaccinations and flea and worming treatments, their microchipping documentation and their insurance details.

10. Take your time and don’t feel pressurised if you think something is not right and ask as many questions as you like to feel sure.

  • Further Information

If a puppy you have purchased shows any signs of illness or distress take them to a vet immediately, and if you are in Scotland, please contact the our team on 03000 999 999.

If the breeder is in England or Wales, contact the RSPCA (England and Wales) if you suspect the seller is acting suspiciously or the puppy may have been illegally imported, and please report them to Trading Standards.

For Northern Ireland cases, please Contact Pawz for Thought. If you witness suspicious activity or potential offences relating to the transportation of puppies in Northern Ireland, please: Report it to Belfast Harbour Police on  or call 101 and ask for Belfast Harbour Police. Speak directly to a member of staff at the Port of Larne or email Paws for thought: Email the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs: